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I am an modern impressionist painter living in Houston, Texas with my husband, little girl, and our dog. I work out of my home studio in between play time and story time with my little girl. It is the best job in the world! 



My work conveys my wonder for life, creation, and my creator. Through the process of laying down paint, drawing, and working with abstract colors I am able to develop a deeper connection and understanding of my subject. 



My goal is to create art that brings

vibrancy and wonder

into your life and home. 


A little more about me, if you're curious...


Art and a love for creation has been a part of my entire life. I still

remember the cultural art shows I participated in during fourth

and fifth grade. I drew a large mouth bass in oil pastels; I think I must

have been inspired by my dad's love of fishing.

I was so proud of that drawing! 


  • I pursued art throughout middle and high school.

  • I gave my parents a little scare when I switched my plan from

         wanting to be a forensic scientist to an artist, but they came around. 

  • I graduated from Louisiana State University with a fine art degree,

  • Then spent months missing the freedom of college and

         six hour painting classes. 

  • I continued my education at Boston University, receiving a

        Master's in Art Education while teaching elementary art.

  • I taught elementary, middle, and high school art for the past 8 years.

  • Now, I'm pursuing a full time art career.


It was a joy to inspire and help guide young artistic minds.

My highest goal as a teacher was to help young artists develop and follow

their own artistic thoughts and viewpoints. It was an honor and a job I took

very seriously. I plan to continue teaching through private art lessons

and workshops in the upcoming years. 


My husband is a youth pastor so we are constantly surrounded by teens and we wouldn't have it any other way. Having the opportunity to do life with teenagers is an honor. My hope is that I encourage them to pursue the passions and talents that God has given them. We have all been gifted in different ways and I believe that God has a purpose in that. 


If you want to chat or have questions you can email me below. I'm always up for talking about how art, life, and God all intertwine together. 



                                                                                  See you around,


Kelli Wassom.png

I'd love to hear from you!  |  Tel: 225.270.3714

Thank you!

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Kelli Wassom owns all rights to the art (even after purchase) and the art is under copyright. All parts of this website require written permission from Kelli Wassom before personal or professional use. This includes all art, photos, and contents on the website. 

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